
the Golden Dragon slowly rises
like an amber wisp of smoke
against the turquoise sky...
tis Time, he knows,
and soon, past Time -
for what is now unfolding
surpasses any prophet's cry:
"Wake up, my Rider!
Relinquish now your mortal ways
and child-like dreams!
Destiny is calling you and I!"
And so, Elven Dragon-rider that I am,
I waken and watch, as we lift
into golden streams of sunrise -
my Dragon friend and I.

Did you hear the story about a dragon
: that lived in the center
: of a labyrinth...
: and brave folk
: would wend their way in...
: only to be frightened to
: death when,
: finally accessing the center,
: they perceived the dragon.
: One day,
: a young girl walked in,
: recognized the truth of the dragon
: and told it to come out
: from behind the mirror it held...

Journey to Ja-rohn -
beneath the Sleeping Stone,
where Ancient dwellings hide in crystal state;
the Dragons know the Way -
long sealed against the Day,
the One would come who could unlock the Gate.

Dragon Invocation
Meeting with the Skydragons