I want a dog
and a new Chevy truck;
I want some Jack
and a chance to get *buzzed*;
Everything's gone -
she even sold the John Deere...
Can anyone buy me
a bottle of beer?
(*obviously, not the word that rhymes with truck; you just sing it like you want* )
Verse 1:
I came home last evening
from a night full of fun -
well, maybe it was later,
but -for sure- before dawn.
She was quietly sleeping
so I thought I was cool,
but as soon as I left for work
she trumped this fool.
Verse 2:
Just a night with the boys
- or a weekend or two -
I was sure I had told her;
I was sure that she knew.
She never said she was angry -
not at me or my friends -
she just waited till Monday
and got her revenge.